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DWIN-BIT-enterprise project was rated as a typical case of the China Higher Education Association's "School-Enterprise Cooperation Double Hundred Plan"

On September 25th, China Society of Higher Education announced the list of typical cases of "School-Enterprise Cooperation Double Hundred Plan" in 2022, and the case of "Reform and Practice of School-Enterprise Collaboration in Cultivating Excellent Engineer Talents for the New Era", which is a cooperation between DWIN and Beijing Institute of Technology, stood out among many other cases and was successfully evaluated as a typical case of professional construction category. The case of "Reform and Practice of School-Enterprise Collaboration to Cultivate Excellent Engineer Talents in the New Era" between DWIN Technology and Beijing Institute of Technology stood out among many other cases in the country, and was successfully evaluated as a typical case in the category of professional construction, which will be displayed at the China Higher Education Expo held in Qingdao on October 13th. The "Reform and Practice of School-Enterprise Collaboration to Cultivate Outstanding Engineer Talents in the New Era" project, which was evaluated as a typical case of professional construction, has achieved remarkable results. It has won the second prize for national teaching achievements, the first prize and the second prize for Beijing teaching achievements. First prize, and second prize for teaching achievements of the Chinese Society of Automation. Two majors were rated as national first-class undergraduate majors and passed engineering education certification. Supported by platform construction, the two sides jointly built the "Engineering Innovation Design Laboratory"; with the "new requirements of engineering" as the focus point for curriculum development, the project pushed forward the innovation of engineering innovation design courses, and developed a number of experimental projects of high-level, innovative and challenging synthesis; with the enhancement of the match between supply and demand for talent cultivation as the starting point, the enterprises were deeply involved in the formulation of talent cultivation programs, and a three-dimensional curriculum construction mode was developed, which covers the basics to the professional cognition to the industrial application. The "School-Enterprise Cooperation Double Hundred Plan" was initiated by the China Higher Education Association. The selection of typical cases aims to build a cooperation bridge between universities and enterprises, build a dialogue and exchange platform, and form a school-enterprise visit and exchange mechanism. Select a group of industry-education integration demonstration bases, establish a group of typical cases of industry-education integration, publicize a group of key projects of industry-education integration, promote the establishment of a group of industry-education integration communities, and form a demonstration radiation and driving effect. Since its launch in May 2019, the program has received widespread attention from relevant universities and enterprises. After qualification review, online selection, online and offline visits, and online publicity, a total of 282 cases were identified as typical cases of the China Higher Education Association's "School-Enterprise Cooperation Double Hundred Plan" in 2022. The university program has always been an extremely important part of DWIN Technology's corporate development strategy. Over the years, DWIN Technology has always practiced corporate social responsibility to promote the development of new engineering education as its own responsibility, actively explore the higher education system of industry-academia cooperation, including the Ministry of Education collaborative education projects, electronic development competitions, internship and practice bases, scientific research cooperation, curriculum construction, co-built laboratories, DWIN Scholarships Scholarships and other institutional programs, collaborative colleges and universities to cultivate and build engineering composite talents, and explore the power of science and technology to change the future of the industry. The power of scientific and technological exploration will change the future of the industry.